Sloaros – self service cabin

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Sloaros – self service cabin

Sloaros is a DNT (Norwegian Trekking Association) cabin situated between Hovden and Haukeliseter. Walking distance from Hovden is approx. 14 km.

Follow the T-marked trail that starts in the eastern part of the Hovden Alpinsenter parking area, to the self-service cabin "Sloaros" (closed in May, during the reindeer calving season). Walking time is approximately 5 hours one way. Map is required and compass is recommended. This hike will take you through a beautiful and varied mountain scenery. From Sloaros you may continue on the DNT trail network to other cabins in the region (Holmevasshytta, Bleskestadmoen and Haukeliseter). For further information, see 

If you want to save some time and walking distance, you may start by taking the chairlift to the summit Storenos and follow the blue-marked trail until it meets the DNT trail close to the "Krosslosskardet" pass. Apart from the skiing season, this option is available during parts of the summer and autumn.

