Getting to Hovden

Hovden is accessible by bus or car. With its central location in Southern Norway, Hovden is a natural meeting point for everyone.

From Kristiansand to Hovden

The bus from Kristiansand takes 3 hours and 40 minutes. This bus departs 2-3 times a day and is run by Setesdal Bilruter. The bus has room for ski equipment, bikes and other luggage.

See timetable

From Arendal

The bus from Arendal takes 4 hours and 40 minutes. This bus departs once a day and is run by Setesdal Bilruter. The bus has room for ski equipment, bikes and other luggage.

See timetable


From Bergen

The bus from Bergen to Hovden departs daily and takes approximately 6 hours.

See timetable


From Oslo

The bus from Oslo to Hovden departs daily and takes approximately 5 hours.

See timetable


See the route from your position:

Google maps

From Oslo Airport, Gardermoen

Daily departures from Oslo city center. See timetable

From Torp Airport, Sandefjord

One departure daily from airport. See timetable

Distances from:

Oslo – 277 km / 4 h drive
Drammen - 234 km / 3,5 h drive
Larvik - 226 km / 3,5 h drive
Arendal - 228 km / 3,5 h drive
Kristiansand – 213 km / 3 h drive
Stavanger (via Suldal) – 281 km / 4,5 h drive
Stavanger (via Suleskar) – 224 km / 3,5 h drive

